
“Hajees” is a contemporary theatrical performance, gracefully intertwining melodies with the ethereal sounds of horses’ neighs and the rhythmic beats of their hooves, sweeping the audience into the magical realm of tales told by purebred Arabian horses. The performance weaves the narrative from the horses’ perspective, inspired by ancient tales and timeless myths passed down generations.
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The Overview
Part of the cultural activations during Saudi Cup 2024, Hwadi Company Ltd. was commissioned by MOC Saudi to provide a cultural, theatrical performance related to Arabian horses to be performed on the main stage, in between the races. The show was performed during the two days of the event, twice per day.
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Img Production – Hwadi Company Ltd., Client & Copyright – MOC Saudi
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The Conclusion
We took on the role of Artistic Directors for the show. Our scope included project conception, cultural research into Arabian horses, story creation, scenography, costumes and screen content. We collaborated with Alissar Caracalla for the choreography and staging, Dirty Monitor for screen content, Tarik Benouarka for the music, Claire Avias for the costumes, Corinne Tasso for the headpieces and Racha Rizk for the lyrics.
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A Jazzy